How Continuous Are Viscosity Solutions to Mean Curvature Flow

Parabolic partial differential equation

In the field of differential geometry in mathematics, mean curvature flow is an example of a geometric flow of hypersurfaces in a Riemannian manifold (for example, smooth surfaces in 3-dimensional Euclidean space). Intuitively, a family of surfaces evolves under mean curvature flow if the normal component of the velocity of which a point on the surface moves is given by the mean curvature of the surface. For example, a round sphere evolves under mean curvature flow by shrinking inward uniformly (since the mean curvature vector of a sphere points inward). Except in special cases, the mean curvature flow develops singularities.

Under the constraint that volume enclosed is constant, this is called surface tension flow.

It is a parabolic partial differential equation, and can be interpreted as "smoothing".

Existence and uniqueness [edit]

The following was shown by Michael Gage and Richard S. Hamilton as an application of Hamilton's general existence theorem for parabolic geometric flows.[1] [2]

Let M {\displaystyle M} be a compact smooth manifold, let ( M , g ) {\displaystyle (M',g)} be a complete smooth Riemannian manifold, and let f : M M {\displaystyle f:M\to M'} be a smooth immersion. Then there is a positive number T {\displaystyle T} , which could be infinite, and a map F : [ 0 , T ) × M M {\displaystyle F:[0,T)\times M\to M'} with the following properties:

  • F ( 0 , ) = f {\displaystyle F(0,\cdot )=f}
  • F ( t , ) : M M {\displaystyle F(t,\cdot ):M\to M'} is a smooth immersion for any t [ 0 , T ) {\displaystyle t\in [0,T)}
  • as t 0 , {\displaystyle t\searrow 0,} one has F ( t , ) f {\displaystyle F(t,\cdot )\to f} in C {\displaystyle C^{\infty }}
  • for any ( t 0 , p ) ( 0 , T ) × M {\displaystyle (t_{0},p)\in (0,T)\times M} , the derivative of the curve t F ( t , p ) {\displaystyle t\mapsto F(t,p)} at t 0 {\displaystyle t_{0}} is equal to the mean curvature vector of F ( t 0 , ) {\displaystyle F(t_{0},\cdot )} at p {\displaystyle p} .
  • if F ~ : [ 0 , T ~ ) × M M {\displaystyle {\widetilde {F}}:[0,{\widetilde {T}})\times M\to M'} is any other map with the four properties above, then T T ~ {\displaystyle T\leq {\widetilde {T}}} and F ~ ( t , p ) = F ( t , p ) {\displaystyle {\widetilde {F}}(t,p)=F(t,p)} for any ( t , p ) [ 0 , T ~ ) × M . {\displaystyle (t,p)\in [0,{\widetilde {T}})\times M.}

Necessarily, the restriction of F {\displaystyle F} to ( 0 , T ) × M {\displaystyle (0,T)\times M} is C {\displaystyle C^{\infty }} .

One refers to F {\displaystyle F} as the (maximally extended) mean curvature flow with initial data f {\displaystyle f} .

Convergence theorems [edit]

Following Hamilton's epochal 1982 work on the Ricci flow, in 1984 Gerhard Huisken employed the same methods for the mean curvature flow to produce the following analogous result:[3]

  • If ( M , g ) {\displaystyle (M',g)} is the Euclidean space R n + 1 {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n+1}} , where n 2 {\displaystyle n\geq 2} denotes the dimension of M {\displaystyle M} , then T {\displaystyle T} is necessarily finite. If the second fundamental form of the 'initial immersion' f {\displaystyle f} is strictly positive, then the second fundamental form of the immersion F ( t , ) {\displaystyle F(t,\cdot )} is also strictly positive for every t ( 0 , T ) {\displaystyle t\in (0,T)} , and furthermore if one choose the function c : ( 0 , T ) ( 0 , ) {\displaystyle c:(0,T)\to (0,\infty )} such that the volume of the Riemannian manifold ( M , ( c ( t ) F ( t , ) ) g Euc ) {\displaystyle (M,(c(t)F(t,\cdot ))^{\ast }g_{\text{Euc}})} is independent of t {\displaystyle t} , then as t T {\displaystyle t\nearrow T} the immersions c ( t ) F ( t , ) : M R n + 1 {\displaystyle c(t)F(t,\cdot ):M\to \mathbb {R} ^{n+1}} smoothly converge to an immersion whose image in R n + 1 {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n+1}} is a round sphere.

Note that if n 2 {\displaystyle n\geq 2} and f : M R n + 1 {\displaystyle f:M\to \mathbb {R} ^{n+1}} is a smooth hypersurface immersion whose second fundamental form is positive, then the Gauss map ν : M S n {\displaystyle \nu :M\to S^{n}} is a diffeomorphism, and so one knows from the start that M {\displaystyle M} is diffeomorphic to S n {\displaystyle S^{n}} and, from elementary differential topology, that all immersions considered above are embeddings.

Gage and Hamilton extended Huisken's result to the case n = 1 {\displaystyle n=1} . Matthew Grayson (1987) showed that if f : S 1 R 2 {\displaystyle f:S^{1}\to \mathbb {R} ^{2}} is any smooth embedding, then the mean curvature flow with initial data f {\displaystyle f} eventually consists exclusively of embeddings with strictly positive curvature, at which point Gage and Hamilton's result applies.[4] In summary:

  • If f : S 1 R 2 {\displaystyle f:S^{1}\to \mathbb {R} ^{2}} is a smooth embedding, then consider the mean curvature flow F : [ 0 , T ) × S 1 R 2 {\displaystyle F:[0,T)\times S^{1}\to \mathbb {R} ^{2}} with initial data f {\displaystyle f} . Then F ( t , ) : S 1 R 2 {\displaystyle F(t,\cdot ):S^{1}\to \mathbb {R} ^{2}} is a smooth embedding for every t ( 0 , T ) {\displaystyle t\in (0,T)} and there exists t 0 ( 0 , T ) {\displaystyle t_{0}\in (0,T)} such that F ( t , ) : S 1 R 2 {\displaystyle F(t,\cdot ):S^{1}\to \mathbb {R} ^{2}} has positive (extrinsic) curvature for every t ( t 0 , T ) {\displaystyle t\in (t_{0},T)} . If one selects the function c {\displaystyle c} as in Huisken's result, then as t T {\displaystyle t\nearrow T} the embeddings c ( t ) F ( t , ) : S 1 R 2 {\displaystyle c(t)F(t,\cdot ):S^{1}\to \mathbb {R} ^{2}} converge smoothly to an embedding whose image is a round circle.

Physical examples [edit]

The most familiar example of mean curvature flow is in the evolution of soap films. A similar 2-dimensional phenomenon is oil drops on the surface of water, which evolve into disks (circular boundary).

Mean curvature flow was originally proposed as a model for the formation of grain boundaries in the annealing of pure metal.

Properties [edit]

The mean curvature flow extremalizes surface area, and minimal surfaces are the critical points for the mean curvature flow; minima solve the isoperimetric problem.

For manifolds embedded in a Kähler–Einstein manifold, if the surface is a Lagrangian submanifold, the mean curvature flow is of Lagrangian type, so the surface evolves within the class of Lagrangian submanifolds.

Huisken's monotonicity formula gives a monotonicity property of the convolution of a time-reversed heat kernel with a surface undergoing the mean curvature flow.

Related flows are:

  • Curve-shortening flow, the one-dimensional case of mean curvature flow
  • the surface tension flow
  • the Lagrangian mean curvature flow
  • the inverse mean curvature flow

Mean curvature flow of a three-dimensional surface [edit]

The differential equation for mean-curvature flow of a surface given by z = S ( x , y ) {\displaystyle z=S(x,y)} is given by

S t = 2 D H ( x , y ) 1 + ( S x ) 2 + ( S y ) 2 {\displaystyle {\frac {\partial S}{\partial t}}=2D\ H(x,y){\sqrt {1+\left({\frac {\partial S}{\partial x}}\right)^{2}+\left({\frac {\partial S}{\partial y}}\right)^{2}}}}

with D {\displaystyle D} being a constant relating the curvature and the speed of the surface normal, and the mean curvature being

H ( x , y ) = 1 2 ( 1 + ( S x ) 2 ) 2 S y 2 2 S x S y 2 S x y + ( 1 + ( S y ) 2 ) 2 S x 2 ( 1 + ( S x ) 2 + ( S y ) 2 ) 3 / 2 . {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}H(x,y)&={\frac {1}{2}}{\frac {\left(1+\left({\frac {\partial S}{\partial x}}\right)^{2}\right){\frac {\partial ^{2}S}{\partial y^{2}}}-2{\frac {\partial S}{\partial x}}{\frac {\partial S}{\partial y}}{\frac {\partial ^{2}S}{\partial x\partial y}}+\left(1+\left({\frac {\partial S}{\partial y}}\right)^{2}\right){\frac {\partial ^{2}S}{\partial x^{2}}}}{\left(1+\left({\frac {\partial S}{\partial x}}\right)^{2}+\left({\frac {\partial S}{\partial y}}\right)^{2}\right)^{3/2}}}.\end{aligned}}}

In the limits | S x | 1 {\displaystyle \left|{\frac {\partial S}{\partial x}}\right|\ll 1} and | S y | 1 {\displaystyle \left|{\frac {\partial S}{\partial y}}\right|\ll 1} , so that the surface is nearly planar with its normal nearly parallel to the z axis, this reduces to a diffusion equation

S t = D 2 S {\displaystyle {\frac {\partial S}{\partial t}}=D\ \nabla ^{2}S}

While the conventional diffusion equation is a linear parabolic partial differential equation and does not develop singularities (when run forward in time), mean curvature flow may develop singularities because it is a nonlinear parabolic equation. In general additional constraints need to be put on a surface to prevent singularities under mean curvature flows.

Every smooth convex surface collapses to a point under the mean-curvature flow, without other singularities, and converges to the shape of a sphere as it does so. For surfaces of dimension two or more this is a theorem of Gerhard Huisken;[5] for the one-dimensional curve-shortening flow it is the Gage–Hamilton–Grayson theorem. However, there exist embedded surfaces of two or more dimensions other than the sphere that stay self-similar as they contract to a point under the mean-curvature flow, including the Angenent torus.[6]

Example: mean curvature flow of m-dimensional spheres [edit]

A simple example of mean curvature flow is given by a family of concentric round hyperspheres in R m + 1 {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{m+1}} . The mean curvature of an m {\displaystyle m} -dimensional sphere of radius R {\displaystyle R} is H = m / R {\displaystyle H=m/R} .

Due to the rotational symmetry of the sphere (or in general, due to the invariance of mean curvature under isometries) the mean curvature flow equation t F = H ν {\displaystyle \partial _{t}F=-H\nu } reduces to the ordinary differential equation, for an initial sphere of radius R 0 {\displaystyle R_{0}} ,

d d t R ( t ) = m R ( t ) , R ( 0 ) = R 0 . {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\frac {\text{d}}{{\text{d}}t}}R(t)&=-{\frac {m}{R(t)}},\\R(0)&=R_{0}.\end{aligned}}}

The solution of this ODE (obtained, e.g., by separation of variables) is

R ( t ) = R 0 2 2 m t {\displaystyle R(t)={\sqrt {R_{0}^{2}-2mt}}} ,

which exists for t ( , R 0 2 / 2 m ) {\displaystyle t\in (-\infty ,R_{0}^{2}/2m)} .[7]

References [edit]

  1. ^ Gage, M.; Hamilton, R.S. (1986). "The heat equation shrinking convex plane curves". J. Differential Geom. 23 (1): 69–96. doi:10.4310/jdg/1214439902.
  2. ^ Hamilton, Richard S. (1982). "Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature". Journal of Differential Geometry. 17 (2): 255–306. doi:10.4310/jdg/1214436922.
  3. ^ Huisken, Gerhard (1984). "Flow by mean curvature of convex surfaces into spheres". J. Differential Geom. 20 (1): 237–266. doi:10.4310/jdg/1214438998.
  4. ^ Grayson, Matthew A. (1987). "The heat equation shrinks embedded plane curves to round points". J. Differential Geom. 26 (2): 285–314. doi:10.4310/jdg/1214441371.
  5. ^ Huisken, Gerhard (1990), "Asymptotic behavior for singularities of the mean curvature flow", Journal of Differential Geometry, 31 (1): 285–299, doi:10.4310/jdg/1214444099, hdl:11858/00-001M-0000-0013-5CFD-5, MR 1030675 .
  6. ^ Angenent, Sigurd B. (1992), "Shrinking doughnuts" (PDF), Nonlinear diffusion equations and their equilibrium states, 3 (Gregynog, 1989), Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and their Applications, vol. 7, Boston, MA: Birkhäuser, pp. 21–38, MR 1167827 .
  7. ^ Ecker, Klaus (2004), Regularity Theory for Mean Curvature Flow, Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and their Applications, vol. 57, Boston, MA: Birkhäuser, doi:10.1007/978-0-8176-8210-1, ISBN0-8176-3243-3, MR 2024995 .
  • Ecker, Klaus (2004), Regularity Theory for Mean Curvature Flow, Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and their Applications, vol. 57, Boston, MA: Birkhäuser, doi:10.1007/978-0-8176-8210-1, ISBN0-8176-3243-3, MR 2024995 .
  • Mantegazza, Carlo (2011), Lecture Notes on Mean Curvature Flow, Progress in Mathematics, vol. 290, Basel: Birkhäuser/Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-0145-4, ISBN978-3-0348-0144-7, MR 2815949 .
  • Lu, Conglin; Cao, Yan; Mumford, David (2002), "Surface evolution under curvature flows", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 13 (1–2): 65–81, doi:10.1006/jvci.2001.0476, S2CID 7341932 . See in particular Equations 3a and 3b.


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